Implausible Purchase (Feat 14)
Prerequisites Predictive Purchase
It seems impossible, but you've analyzed every angle and are able to just keep pulling out exactly the item you need, even in far-flung locations. You can use Prescient Planner even if you have already used it after purchasing goods, and you can use it as a single action instead of a 2-action activity, during which you Interact to draw the item. In addition, five times per day, you can use Prescient Planner to pull out a common consumable item up to 6 levels lower than your level.
Sense the Unseen [R] (Feat 14)
Trigger You fail a check to Seek.
When you look for foes, you can catch even the slightest cues, such as their minute movements or the shifting of air currents on your skin. Even though you failed at the triggering check, you automatically sense any undetected creatures in the area where you’re Seeking, making them merely hidden to you.
Note GMs should let a character with the Sense the Unseen investigator feat know when the trigger for the ability has been met so they can use the feat if they so choose.
Strategic Bypass (Feat 14)
Your plans account for your foes' resistances, enabling you to strike a telling blow. When you hit with a Strike on which you substituted your attack roll due to Devising a Stratagem, you ignore an amount of resistance equal to your Intelligence modifier for each resistance that applies against your attack.
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