
Hellknight Armiger

You have presented yourself to a Hellknight citadel as a candidate to become a fearsome Hellknight. You believe that all who live must be forced to obey law, and you adventure as a test of your loyalty, discipline, and courage. Someday you will take the Hellknight test and battle a devil in single combat to prove your strength and join the Hellknight ranks.

Hellknight Armiger Dedication (Feat 2)


Archetype Hellknight Armiger
Prerequisites member of a Hellknight Order; trained in heavy armor as well as your order's favored weapon (see below for order information)

Your Hellknight training teaches you to terrorize others into compliance, but you also study the structure and hierarchy of Hell. You must survive painful tests of your body and mind called reckonings, which steady your mind against all sorts of trauma. You gain resistance to mental damage equal to 1 + your number of class feats from the Hellknight Armiger archetype and other Hellknight archetypes. You become trained in Intimidation and Hell Lore; if you were already trained, you become an expert instead.

Special You can’t select another dedication feat except dedication feats for higher positions within the Hellknights until you have gained two other feats from the Hellknight armiger archetype.

4th Level Hellknight Armiger Feats

Ardent Armiger (Feat 4)


Archetype Hellknight Armiger
Prerequisites Hellknight Armiger Dedication

You have been trained to resist the manipulations of fiends, and your Hellknight discipline makes you difficult to influence. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to saves against mental effects that specifically improve your attitude and to your Will DC against someone Coercing you, Demoralizing you, Making an Impression on you, or Making a Request of you.

If a mental effect would compel you to act in a way that violates your Hellknight order’s tenets (as determined by the GM), you can attempt to break free from the effect as a reaction triggered by receiving the violating order, and you gain a new Will save against the effect. You can attempt this new save only once for a given effect, even if you are compelled to violate your order’s tenets multiple times.

Diabolic Certitude [FA] (Feat 4)


Archetype Hellknight Armiger
Prerequisites Hellknight Armiger Dedication
Trigger Your turn begins and you can observe a devil

Your Hellknight training drilled details of Hell’s denizens deep into your mind. Make an attempt to Recall Knowledge about a devil you’re observing. If you roll a critical failure on this check, you get a failure instead.

Mortification (Feat 4)


Archetype Hellknight Armiger
Prerequisites Hellknight Armiger Dedication

Your reckonings have prepared your body for physical punishment. Choose bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage, based on the nature of your physical reckonings. You gain resistance to the chosen damage type equal to your number of class feats from the Hellknight Armiger archetype and other Hellknight archetypes.

8th Level Hellknight Armiger Feats

Armiger's Mobility (Feat 8)


Archetype Hellknight Armiger
Prerequisites Hellknight Armiger Dedication, expert in heavy armor

You’ve learned how best to move in heavy armor. When wearing heavy armor, if you meet the Strength requirement, instead of reducing the movement penalty by 5 feet, you reduce the penalty by 10 feet (typically reducing the penalty to 0). If you are a dwarf with the Unburdened Iron feat, increase your Speed by 5 feet.

Order Training (Feat 8)


Archetype Hellknight Armiger
Prerequisites Hellknight Armiger Dedication, acceptance into a specific order

You gain the lesser order benefit for the Hellknight order to which you belong.

Order of the Chain

Members of the Order of the Chain are skilled at hunting down and capturing criminals, especially those who dare flee from justice.

Favored Weapon Flail

Shackles of Law [AA]


You attempt to subdue a target with an attack and a follow-up grab. Make a melee Strike. If it hits and deals damage, you can attempt an Athletics check to Grapple the creature you hit. If you’re wielding a flail, you can ignore Grapple’s requirement that you have a hand free. Both attacks count toward your multiple attack penalty, but the penalty doesn’t increase until after you’ve made both of them.


Order of the Gate

The Hellknight signifers of the Order of the Gate seek to prevent lawlessness of all types through the use of their considerable spellcasting prowess and command of fiendish outsiders.

Favored Weapon Dagger

Locate Lawbreakers

Your pursuit is relentless, and you are able to magically locate stolen objects and outlaws. You gain locate as an innate spell of a tradition of your choice, which you can cast once per day. If you are a member of the Order of the Gate, when you reach 14th level, the spell is heightened to 5th level.

Order of the Godclaw

The Order of the Godclaw’s Hellknights see their cause as a holy mandate from the Godclaw. They seek to punish criminals with a zeal rarely matched by others who enforce the law.

Favored Weapon Morningstar

Dedication to the Claw

Your dedication to the Godclaw borders on a cleric’s. You gain the cleric’s Domain Initiate feat but must select perfection, protection, tyranny, or zeal as your domain. In addition, you can use any religious symbol of Abadar, Asmodeus, Iomedae, or Torag as your divine focus.

Order of the Nail

Members of the Order of the Nail see civilized society as an ideal and seek to unite all people within their cultural baseline. They also seek to destroy anyone who does not accept Chelaxian culture along with the wild beasts that threaten the safety of civilization.

Favored Weapon Halberd, Lance

Trailblazing Stride

You are used to moving through the wilderness. While moving on land, you ignore the effects of non-magical difficult terrain.

Order of the Pyre

The Order of the Pyre is dedicated to eliminating those faiths and beliefs they consider to be a threat to the Inner Sea region. They are particularly keen on stamping out dangerous cults.

Favored Weapon Glaive

Righteous Resistance

You can cast resist energy twice per day as a divine innate spell, except you can target only yourself. If you grant yourself resistance to fire damage, the resistance is equal to either the spell’s normal value or to your level, whichever is higher.

Order of the Rack

Members of the Order of the Rack seek to eliminate wastefulness throughout the Inner Sea region. They seek to quash pointless dreams, quell rebellions, and destroy dangerous inventions.

Favored Weapon Longsword, Whip


Dreams are pointless illusions you seek to quash. If you roll a success on a saving throw against an illusion or dream effect or a Perception check to disbelieve an illusion, you get a critical success instead. If you roll a critical failure on any of those checks, you get a failure instead.

Order of the Scourge

Hellknights of the Order of the Scourge hunt those who pervert the law for their own selfish ends. They seek to destroy corruption and those who hide behind unjust laws and bureaucracy.

Favored Weapon Longsword, Whip

Fear No Law, Fear No One

When you roll a success on a save against a fear effect, you get a critical success instead. In addition, any time you gain the frightened condition, reduce the condition’s value by 1. As usual, this ability reduces the initial frightened condition by 1, so if you have multiple similar abilities, they don’t both take effect.

12th Level Hellknight Armiger Feats

Advanced Order Training (Feat 12)


Archetype Hellknight Armiger
Prerequisites Order Training

You gain the greater order benefit for the Hellknight order to which you belong.

Order of the Chain

Sturdy Bindings

Your grapples are incredibly reliable. When you roll a critical failure on a check to Grapple a target, you get a failure instead. In addition, when a creature you have grabbed rolls a failure on its check to Escape, it gets a critical failure instead, and if it rolls a critical success, it gets a success instead.


Order of the Gate

Devil Allies

You can call in devils to assist your efforts. You gain summon fiend as an innate spell of a tradition of your choice, which you can cast once per day. When you cast this spell, you can summon only creatures that have the devil trait. At 16th level and every 2 levels thereafter, the spell is heightened by 1 level (to a maximum of 8th level when you reach 20th level).

Order of the Godclaw

Blessing of the Claw [AAA]


Frequency once per day 

You call out to the Godclaw to heal your allies. You cast the 3-action version of heal, heightened to a level 1 lower than half your level rounded up. You can select up to four creatures in the area to remain unaffected by the spell. You can instead use this ability to bring a creature within 30 feet that has died within the last round back from the dead. If you do, the creature is restored to 1 Hit Point and is doomed 1 for 24 hours.

Order of the Nail

Reveal Beasts

You are adept at revealing—or creating—weaknesses among those who are a threat to civilization. If you roll a success on a check to Recall Knowledge to identify an animal or a beast, you get a critical success instead. The next time you damage that creature, it gains weakness 5 during that attack to one damage type of your choice that you dealt it.

Order of the Pyre

Spiritual Disruption [AA]

You channel disruptive power that severs a foe’s spiritual connection to their heretical magic. Make a melee Strike. If the attack hits, any time the target attempts to cast a divine or occult spell, the spell is disrupted unless they succeed at a DC 5 flat check (DC 7 on a critical hit); if the target is also stupefied, it must attempt the harder of the two flat checks (but not both). This effect lasts for 1 minute.

Order of the Rack

Silence Heresy [AA]

You channel a power that stifles dangerous words. Make a melee Strike. If the attack hits, the target is unable to speak in a voice louder than a whisper for 1 round. This prevents the target from using most auditory effects involving its voice, and it must succeed at a DC 5 flat check to Cast a Spell with a verbal component or the spell is disrupted.

If your Strike is a critical hit, the target is entirely unable to speak for 1 round and is limited to a whisper for 1 minute thereafter. Once a creature has been affected by this ability, it is temporarily immune for 1 minute.

Order of the Scourge

Seek Injustice [AAA]


Frequency once per day  

With a moment spent focusing, you can locate the telltale signs of corruption no matter what means it may use to hide from your sight. For 1 minute, you can see through up to 5 feet of stone, wood, or similar barriers as if they didn’t exist (though any amount of metal or denser barriers block this effect).

Hellknight Order Cross-Training (Feat 12)


Archetype Hellknight Armiger
Prerequisites Order Training

You gain the lesser order benefit of a Hellknight order other than the one to which you belong. This represents your time spent training with members of that order to learn their techniques and teachings. If you aren’t in good standing with a given order, you can’t receive their training.

Special You can select this feat multiple times, gaining the lesser order benefit from a different order each time by training with members of that order.

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