
Knight Vigilant

Taking their lead from heroic stories of the Shining Crusade, the knights vigilant stand as a courageous example of morality and honor.

Knights of Lastwall Archetypes

The following archetypes are uncommon but are available to members of the Knights of Lastwall. Qualifying characters with the Lastwall sentry archetype can select one of these dedications even without gaining three feats from the Lastwall sentry archetype, and each of these archetypes’ feats fulfills the Lastwall Sentry Dedication’s special requirement despite not being from the Lastwall sentry archetype.

Knight Vigilant Dedication (Feat 6)


Archetype Knight Vigilant
Prerequisites member of the Knights of Lastwall or knight rank; trained in Religion  

You are dedicated to the cause of the Shining Sentinels. You gain expert proficiency in Religion. When you are between an ally and a foe and would provide lesser cover to your ally against the foe’s attacks, you twist to become even more obtrusive, providing standard cover instead.

Special You can't select another dedication feat until you have gained two other feats from any Knights of Lastwall archetype.

8th Level Knight Vigilant Feats

Unshakable Idealism (Feat 8)


Knight Vigilant
Prerequisites Knight Vigilant Dedication; expert in Will Saves

Your faith and hope can’t be shaken, and you won’t flee when lives are at stake. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus on saves against fear effects and emotion effects that inflict despair. When you would gain the fleeing condition, you can choose to stand your ground and be stunned for the effect’s duration as well, preventing you from running and allowing you to re-enter the fight more quickly when the effect ends.

10th Level Knight Vigilant Feats

Endure Death's Touch [R] (Feat 10)


Archetype Knight Vigilant
Prerequisites Knight Vigilant Dedication; expert in medium or heavy armor
Requirements You are wearing medium or heavy armor in which you have expert proficiency
Trigger An undead hits you with an unarmed attack

Your conviction redirects the undead’s attack through your armor and then harmlessly away. You gain resistance 5 to physical damage and resistance 10 to negative damage against the triggering attack. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus on any saving throws against effects from the undead’s natural attack; if you succeed at the saving throw, you get a critical success instead.

Vigil's Walls Rise Anew! [AA] (Feat 10)


Archetype Knight Vigilant
Prerequisites Knight Vigilant Dedication

As part of daily preparation, you can drill with a number of allies up to your Charisma modifier. These allies must be present and listening during this time, but this does not otherwise impede their own preparation. When you use this feat's benefit, you and all drilled companions within 30 feet who are wielding shields Raise a Shield. Allies who Raise their Shields keep them raised until the start of their next turn, as normal.

12th Level Knight Vigilant Feats

Aegis of Arnisant [AA] (Feat 12)


Archetype Knight Vigilant
Prerequisites Knight Vigilant Dedication; Shield Block; master in Religion
Requirements You are wielding a shield

Inspired by the tale of Arnisant, you transform your shield into a magic ward. Until the beginning of your next turn, you gain the following reaction:

Absorb into the Aegis [R]

Trigger An enemy casts a spell that targets you or an ally within 15 feet of you

You interpose your shield’s ward against the spell. Attempt a counteract check, using your Religion modifier as your counteract modifier. On a success, the spell is counteracted and your shield takes damage equal to four times the spell level as it absorbs and disperses the magical energy. On a failure, the shield takes damage equal to twice the spell’s level.

Knight in Shining Armor (Feat 12)


Archetype Knight Vigilant
Prerequisites Knight Vigilant Dedication; expert in light armor, medium armor, or unarmored defense; trained in heavy armor

As a knight in shining armor, you train daily in the heaviest armor, expanding your expertise to heavy armor. You gain expert proficiency in heavy armor.

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