
Knights of Lastwall Archetypes

You are a member of the Knights of Lastwall.

The Knights of Lastwall


Righteously vowed foes of the Whispering Tyrant

Scope and Influence Regional (Greater Avistan; moderate [Shining Sentinels]); territory (Gravelands; strong [Crimson Reclaimers])
Goals reclaim and rebuild Lastwall; protect Avistan and beyond from the undead; destroy the Whispering Tyrant, his minions, and other forces of undeath

Headquarters decentralized (temporary camps or councils)
Key Members Avalorex, mysterious wandering soothsayer; Clarethe Iomedar, inspiring Crimson Reclaimer warrior; Watcher-Lord Ulthun II, stoic Shining Sentinels recruiter
Allies champions; the churches of Iomedae, Pharasma, Sarenrae, and other good deities; the Magaambya; psychopomps; the Taldan Government
Enemies necromancers, pallid angels, sahkils, Seal-Breakers, the Whispering Way, undead, other minions of the Whispering Tyrant
Assets armaments, contracts, influence, magic items, training

Membership Requirements any of the following; refugee of Lastwall, previous membership in the Knights of Ozem, sponsorship by a knight in good standing and approval by two others
Values cooperation, dedication, diplomacy, martydom, zeal (Shining Sentinels); courage dedication, loyalty, steadfastness, zeal (Crimson Reclaimers)
Anathema aiding or abetting evil undead or creating undead; betraying, abandoning, or refusing reasonable aid to fellow knights, refugees of Lastwall, or travelers in the Gravelands; committing wanton acts of evil, cruelty, or selfishness

Knights of Lastwall Class Feats

The following class feats are available to Knights of Lastwall. Those with the champion trait are champion class feats. Those with both the champion and fighter traits are both champion class feats and fighter class feats; when you take one of these feats, it loses the trait that doesn't apply to your class

Everstand Stance [A] (Feat 1)


Access A character who is a member of the Knights of Lastwall has access to this option
Requirements You are wielding a shield

You brace your shield with both hands, enhancing its potential for both offense and defense. When in this stance, you wield the shield with both hands. When wielding a shield this way, increase the weapon damage die of the shield’s boss or spikes by one step, and increase the shield’s Hardness by 2 when using the Shield Block reaction.

Everstand Strike [A] (Feat 4)


Access A character who is a member of the Knights of Lastwall has access to this option
Prerequisites Everstand Stance
Requirements You are wielding a shield in two hands

Your follow-up blow leaves you an opening to set your shield. Make a Strike with the wielded shield. If the Strike hits and deals damage, you also Raise your Shield.

Light of Revelation (Feat 4)


 A character who is a member of the Knights of Lastwall has access to this option

You’ve learned to call upon light to reveal what is hidden. You gain the light of revelation devotion spell. Increase the number of Focus Points in your focus pool by 1.

Sun Blade (Feat 4)


 A character who is a member of the Knights of Lastwall has access to this option

You can unleash burning sunlight from your sword or spear. You gain the sun blade devotion spell. Increase the number of Focus Points in your focus pool by 1.

Impassable Wall Stance [A] (Feat 8)


 A character who is a member of the Knights of Lastwall has access to this option
Prerequisites Attack of Opportunity

You refuse to let foes past your guard. As long as you are in this stance, when you critically hit with an Attack of Opportunity triggered by a move action, you disrupt that move action.

Lastwall Sentry (Dedication Feat 2)


While the nation of Lastwall is gone, leaving only the horror of the Gravelands behind, you refuse to give up and renounce your oaths. You’ve renewed your vows, swearing to combat the influence of the Whispering Tyrant wherever it might strike across Golarion.

Knight Reclaimant (Dedication Feat 6)


Knights reclaimant spend much of their time amid the horrors of the Gravelands, rescuing civilians that remain and striking back against the Whispering Tyrant’s agents. Accomplishing these goals requires the adoption of subtle tactics, with a focus on stealth and survival.

Knight Vigilant (Dedication Feat 6)


Taking their lead from heroic stories of the Shining Crusade, the knights vigilant stand as a courageous example of morality and honor.

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