
10th Level Magus Feats

Cascading Ray [A] (Feat 10)


Prerequisites Spellstrike
Requirements Your last action was a successful Spellstrike, and the spell you cast dealt energy damage (acid, cold, electricity, fire, force, negative, positive, or sonic)

Magical energy spills out to extend beyond the creature you struck. The flowing energy forms a ray with a range of 60 feet from the creature you damaged. You can't target any of the creatures you damaged with your Spellstrike with the ray. Make a spell attack roll against the new target's AC, at the same multiple attack penalty as the Strike. On a hit, the target of the ray takes 1d4 damage per spell level of the same type of energy damage the spell deals (double damage on a critical hit). If you cast the spell in your Spellstrike from a spell slot, the damage from Cascading Ray increases to 1d8 damage per spell level.

If the spell deals more than one type of energy damage, you choose only one for the ray. This ray has the attack trait, the school and tradition traits of the original spell, and the trait matching the damage type.

Dazzling Block (Feat 10)


Prerequisites Arcane Cascade, sparkling targe hybrid study
Requirements You are in Arcane Cascade stance

When you use Shield Block, you can create a flash of brilliant, multicolored light in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in the area must attempt a Fortitude save, with the following effects.

Critical Success The creature is unaffected.

Success The creature is dazzled for 1 round.

Failure The creature is blinded for 1 round and dazzled for 1 minute. The creature can spend an Interact action rubbing its eyes to end this blinded condition.

Critical Failure The creature is blinded for 1 round and dazzled for 1 hour.

Dimensional Disappearance (Feat 10)


Prerequisites dimensional assault focus spell, laughing shadow hybrid study

You take advantage of teleportation to better hide your position. When you cast dimensional assault, you're affected by an invisibility spell at the end of the teleport. You can choose not to make the Strike that is normally part of dimensional assault. If you do make the Strike, your invisibility ends after the Strike, as normal for invisibility.

Lunging Spellstrike [AA] (Feat 10)


Prerequisites: Spellstrike, twisting tree hybrid study
Requirements You're wielding a staff

Your spell unwinds the structure of your staff to make it exceptionally long, or even separate it into shards held together by magical power. Make a Spellstrike with a staff, with a spell that isn't a cantrip or focus spell. Increase the staff's reach by 5 feet × the spell's level.

Meteoric Spellstrike [AA] (Feat 10)


Prerequisites: Spellstrike, starlit span hybrid study
Requirements You're wielding a ranged or thrown weapon, or have a ranged unarmed attack

A trail of energy flows from your target back to you. Make a Spellstrike with a ranged weapon or ranged unarmed attack against a target within the ranged weapon or unarmed attack's first range increment. The spell you cast for the Spellstrike can't be a cantrip or focus spell. Each creature in a line between you and the target, excluding you and the target, takes damage equal to double the spell's level. Determine the damage type as described in Arcane Cascade.

Rapid Recharge [FA] (Feat 10)


Prerequisites Spellstrike
Frequency once per day

You tap into an arcane trick to recover your ability to meld spells and attacks. You recharge your Spellstrike.

Sustaining Steel [FA] (Feat 10)


Prerequisites Arcane Cascade, inexorable iron hybrid study
Requirements You're in Arcane Cascade stance
Trigger You Cast a Spell using a spell slot

You pull magic into your weapon, using its substance to transform the magic into restorative energy. You regain Hit Points equal to double the spell's level and roll to end any persistent negative damage you have.

If the spell was of the necromancy school, any persistent negative damage you have ends automatically, and you can change the damage type from Arcane Cascade to positive if you wish. (Positive damage typically damages only undead or other creatures with negative healing.)

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