
1st Level Summoner Feats

Advanced Weaponry (Feat 1)


Your eidolon's attack evolves. Choose one of your eidolon's starting melee unarmed attacks. It gains one of the following traits, chosen when you gain the feat: disarm, grapple, nonlethal, shove, trip, or versatile bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing.

Dual Studies (Feat 1)


You and your eidolon have some skills you practice on your own. Choose two skills. Your eidolon becomes trained in one of those skills and you become trained in the other skill. At 7th level, you each become an expert in the chosen skills. These skill proficiencies are not shared between you and your eidolon.

Energy Heart (Feat 1)


Your eidolon's heart beats with energy. Choose an energy damage type other than force. One of its unarmed attacks changes its damage type to the chosen type, and it gains resistance to that type equal to half your level (minimum 1).

Expanded Senses (Feat 1)


Your eidolon evolves more acute senses. Your eidolon gains low-light vision and darkvision, as well as scent as an imprecise sense with a range of 30 feet.

Extend Boost (Feat 1)


You can increase the duration of your eidolon's boosts. You learn the extend boost link spell. Increase the number of Focus Points in your focus pool by 1.

Glider Form (Feat 1)


Your eidolon evolves wings, a buoyant body, or some other means to control descent. It glides slowly toward the ground, 5 feet down and up to 25 feet forward through the air. As long as it spends at least 1 action gliding each round and has not yet reached the ground, it remains in the air at the end of your turn.

Meld into Eidolon [AAA] (Feat 1)


Your physical form can combine with that of your eidolon, granting benefits but limiting your capabilities. You Manifest your Eidolon, but instead of summoning it into an adjacent open space, you become it. While Manifested in this way, you use its statistics, and you can't act except to direct it to use Manifest an Eidolon to unmanifest it.

Since you can't act, you can't Cast Spells, activate or benefit from magic items that normally benefit you and not your eidolon, perform actions that have the tandem trait, or use other abilities that require you, and not the eidolon, to act. Your can't be separately targeted while you are melded into it. When you reach 0 HP, your eidolon unmanifests, leaving your body behind, unconscious and dying.

Unfetter Eidolon (Feat 1)


You can allow your eidolon to travel far from your side. You learn the unfetter eidolon link spell. Increase the number of Focus Points in your focus pool by 1.

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