Blood Frenzy [A] (Feat 6)
Prerequisites Bloodletting Claws
Your eidolon flies into a frenzy. It gains the benefits of boost eidolon and gains temporary HP equal to your level, but takes a –2 penalty to AC. It can't voluntarily end the frenzy or start another frenzy while in the frenzy. The frenzy lasts for 1 minute, after which your eidolon is fatigued for 1 minute and can't start another frenzy for 1 minute.
Eidolon's Opportunity [R] (Feat 6)
Trigger A creature within your eidolon's reach uses a manipulate action or a move action, makes a ranged attack, or leaves a square during a move action it's using.
Your eidolon makes a melee Strike against the triggering creature. If the attack is a critical hit and the trigger was a manipulate action, your eidolon disrupts that action. This Strike doesn't count toward your multiple attack penalty, and your multiple attack penalty doesn't apply to this Strike.
Eidolon's Wrath (Feat 6)
Your eidolon gains the eidolon's wrath focus spell, which it casts, instead of you. You determine the damage type when you gain the feat: acid, cold, electricity, fire, negative, positive, or sonic. If your eidolon is a celestial, fiend, or monitor with an alignment other than true neutral, you can choose a damage type in its alignment. Increase the number of Focus Points in your focus pool by 1. As normal, your eidolon shares your Focus Points.
Master Summoner (Feat 6)
During daily preparations, you can designate one of your spell slots to become two summoning slots of the same spell level, from which you can cast only summoning or incarnate spells.
Ostentatious Arrival [FA] (Feat 6)
If the next action you take is to Manifest your Eidolon as a three-action activity, or to Cast a three-action summoning Spell, the creature appears in an explosion. All creatures in a 10-foot emanation around the creature you summoned or manifested take 1d4 fire damage per spell level for a summoning spell, or 1d4 damage per 2 levels for Manifesting your Eidolon. If the creature you summoned or manifested has the acid, cold, electricity, fire, sonic, or water trait, the damage is that type instead (or cold damage for the water trait). If the creature has more than one of these traits, you choose which damage type to deal.
Phase Out [AAA] (Feat 6)
Prerequisites your eidolon is a phantom
Your eidolon phases out of reality slightly, gaining resistance to all damage (except force and negative) equal to half your level. It's not incorporeal, but it can't use Strikes or actions that require a fully physical form, such as Grapple, Shove, or Trip. Your eidolon can return to its normal form with a single action, which has the concentrate trait.
Note Using the Phase Out summoner ability means that your eidolon cannot make any Strikes, nor can it take any actions requiring a physical form
Tandem Strike [AA] (Feat 6)
Requirements A creature is in your and your eidolon's reach
You and your eidolon each attack, seamlessly targeting the same foe without interfering with each other's movements. Your eidolon makes a melee Strike, and then you make a melee Strike against the same creature. Both attacks count toward your multiple attack penalty, but the penalty doesn't increase until after both attacks have been made.
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