

Though each eidolon is a unique creature and there are many types of eidolons, each draws upon a particular tradition of magic and manifests from related essence. Multiple types of each eidolon exist as well—for instance, the types of construct eidolon presented in this book are the warrior construct and the scout construct.

Arcane eidolons are usually formed of mental essence, also known as astral essence. They include dragon eidolons—the echoes of ancient dragons— and construct eidolons, beings formed into a simple construct shape through arcane magic.

Divine eidolons are always formed of spiritual essence, much like the divine servitors they resemble. They include representatives of the many families of divine servitors, such as angels, demons, and psychopomps.

Occult eidolons are also usually formed of spiritual essence, though they tend toward a more ectoplasmic consistency than divine eidolons. Occult eidolons usually form from the essence of a spirit that is unwilling or unable to pass on, and find refuge with a summoner to avoid becoming undead; these types of eidolons are known as phantoms. Each phantom eidolon has a connection to a particular emotion, such as the anger phantom and devotion phantom described in this book.

Primal eidolons usually manifest from life essence. Their forms resemble creatures found in the natural world, such as beasts, plants, fey, or some combination.


Your eidolon's level is equal to yours. It begins with expert proficiency in Fortitude and Will saves and trained proficiency in Reflex saves. In addition, it is trained in unarmed attacks and unarmored defense. It shares your skill proficiencies. Certain class features increase your eidolon's proficiencies.

Ability Scores

An eidolon's ability scores depend on which array you choose, such as marauding dragon or cunning dragon for a dragon eidolon. As noted in the summoner's ability boosts class feature, your eidolon gets boosts to its ability scores at the same time you do. It also increases one score by 2 when it gains its transcendence ability.

Unarmed Attacks

Your eidolon starts with two unarmed attacks. Each eidolon entry suggests some forms the eidolon's attacks might take, but since eidolons can have a variety of body shapes, you decide the specific form of the unarmed attacks (claw, jaws, horn, fist, and so on) when you choose your eidolon. Some eidolons' unarmed attacks might look like swords, clubs, or other weapons, even though they are extensions of the eidolon's form. Your choice of unarmed attack determines its damage type— bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing, as appropriate. Some of the suggested attacks list a typical damage type in parentheses, but you can work with your GM to choose a damage type that is right for your eidolon. Once you decide upon your eidolon's unarmed attacks, they can't be changed except via abilities that specifically change them, except with your GM's permission. Your eidolon has a primary and secondary unarmed attack.

Primary Attack: Choose from the following statistics for the more flexible primary attack.

  • 1d8 damage (disarm, nonlethal, shove, or trip)
  • 1d6 damage (fatal d10)
  • 1d6 damage (forceful and sweep)
  • 1d6 damage (deadly d8 and finesse)

Secondary Attack: The secondary attack always deals 1d6 damage and has the agile and finesse traits.

Eidolon Spells

An eidolon normally can't Cast a Spell; however, some feats or abilities can grant it this capability. An eidolon that has spells also gains the Cast a Spell activity. It doesn't have its own spell DC or spell attack modifier; if it needs to Cast a Spell, it uses your spell DC and spell attack modifier. If you have eidolon link spells, your eidolon shares your focus pool to cast them, though it can't Refocus. Your eidolon can cast only spells that it gains from its own abilities. It can't cast your spells, nor can you cast spells it has.

Reading an Eidolon Entry

An eidolon entry contains the following information, followed by a description of the eidolon's initial ability and abilities gained from the eidolon symbiosis and eidolon transcendence class features.

Tradition This is the eidolon's corresponding magical tradition, which determines the type of magic you can cast.

Traits All eidolons have the eidolon trait, and each type of eidolon has additional traits. They all appear in this entry.

Alignment You choose your eidolon's alignment, abiding by any alignment restrictions listed here. Your eidolon's alignment has no impact on your own.

Home Plane This is the eidolon's home plane, where it goes when unmanifested. This can help you determine the effects of abilities dependent on a creature's home plane, such as banishment.

Size This is the eidolon's starting Size.

Suggested Attacks This entry suggests forms that the eidolon's attacks might take (see Unarmed Attacks above).

Eidolon Array Choose from one of two arrays for your eidolon. This choice sets its ability scores, as well as the form of its defenses, as represented by an item bonus to AC and its Dexterity cap. For instance, a demon eidolon can have the wrecker array, with a higher Strength and item bonus to AC, or be a tempter, with a higher Charisma and Dexterity cap. The appearance of the eidolon's protection can be anything you choose that fits the eidolon: armor, scales, tough hide, a mystical aura of deflection, and so on. Though each eidolon has two arrays in this book, it's possible for other varieties to appear elsewhere.

Skills These are the skills that the eidolon has taught you, or that you learned as part of linking with your eidolon. You are trained in these skills, and the eidolon shares this proficiency as normal for its skills.

Senses This entry, if present, lists your eidolon's special senses. If this entry is not present, the eidolon has senses like a human's.

Language This is the eidolon's starting language. You know this language, in addition to the other languages you know normally. Your eidolon doesn't gain any additional languages based on its Intelligence modifier, but it can speak all the same languages you can.

Speed This entry lists your eidolon's Speeds.

Eidolon Abilities The eidolon starts with an initial ability, gains the symbiosis ability when you gain the eidolon symbiosis class feature, and gains the transcendence ability when you gain the eidolon transcendence class feature.

Angel Eidolon


Your eidolon is a celestial messenger, a member of the angelic host with a unique link to you, allowing them to carry a special message to the mortal world at your side. Most angel eidolons are roughly humanoid in form, with feathered wings, glowing eyes, halos, or similar angelic features. However, some take the form of smaller angelic servitors like the winged helmet cassisian angel instead. The two of you are destined for an important role in the plans of the celestial realms. Though a true angel, your angel eidolon's link to you as a mortal prevents them from casting the angelic messenger ritual, even if they somehow learn it.

Tradition Divine

Alignment must be good, usually neutral good

Home Plane Nirvana (if NG), Elysium (if CG), or Heaven (if LG)

Size Medium or Small

Suggested Attacks fist (bludgeoning), wing (bludgeoning), unarmed attacks shaped like a weapon

Angelic Avenger Str 18, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 10; +2 AC (+3 Dex cap)

Angelic Emissary Str 12, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 14; +1 AC (+4 Dex cap)

Skills Diplomacy, Religion

Senses darkvision

Languages Celestial

Speed 25 feet

Eidolon Abilities Initial hallowed strikes; Symbiosis traveler's aura; Transcendence angelic mercy

Hallowed Strikes

Your eidolon's attacks are hallowed by the celestial realms. Your eidolon's unarmed Strikes deal an extra 1 radiant damage. Additionally, your eidolon can make nonlethal attacks with its unarmed attacks without taking the usual –2 circumstance penalty.

Traveler's Aura  (7th Level)

Your eidolon emanates a powerful aura—resembling that of an astral deva—that protects creatures as they travel. The aura has the abjuration, aura, and divine traits. Your eidolon and its allies within a 20-foot emanation are protected from severe heat and cold, and your eidolon is never flat-footed to creatures inside the aura that are of a lower level than the eidolon.

When you gain the transcendence class feature, this evolves to the full benefits of an astral deva; your eidolon and allies in the aura are protected from environmental damage from any plane, including severe and extreme heat and cold as well as more unusual dangers.

Angelic Mercy  (17th Level)

Your eidolon's angelic power allows them to assuage a variety of ailments, just like most other powerful angels. Your eidolon can cast remove curse, remove disease, remove fear, and remove paralysis once per day each as 9th-level divine innate spells.

Anger Phantom Eidolon


Your eidolon is a lost soul, bound to the mortal world by undying anger or a bitter grudge. Most phantom eidolons are humanoids with a spectral or ectoplasmic appearance, though some take far stranger forms. Your link with your eidolon prevents it from succumbing to corruption and undeath. Together, you will need to decide whether to work with your eidolon to control its anger, or channel its wrath into power.

Tradition Occult

Home Plane Ethereal Plane

Size Medium or Small

Suggested Attacks fist (bludgeoning), tendril (bludgeoning), unarmed attacks shaped like a weapon

Enraged Assassin Str 14, Dex 18, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 12; +1 AC (+4 Dex cap)

Wrathful Berserker Str 18, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 12; +2 AC (+3 Dex cap)

Skills Intimidation, Occultism

Senses darkvision

Languages one common mortal language the eidolon spoke in life

Speed 25 feet

Eidolon Abilities Initial furious strike; Symbiosis seething frenzy; Transcendence anger aura

Furious Strike

Your eidolon can infuse an attack with unmitigated rage. It gains the Furious Strike activity.

Furious Strike [AA]


Your eidolon channels its anger into a furious attack. It makes a melee Strike. This counts as two attacks when calculating your multiple attack penalty. If this Strike hits, your eidolon deals an extra die of weapon damage and gains a +1 circumstance bonus to the damage roll.

If you're at least 10th level, increase this to two extra dice with a +2 circumstance bonus, and if you're at least 18th level, increase it to three extra dice with a +3 circumstance bonus.

Seething Frenzy  (7th Level)

Your eidolon can stoke itself into a frenzy. It gains the Seething Frenzy action.

Seething Frenzy [A]


Your eidolon's fury boils over into a reckless, out-of-control frenzy. While frenzied, your eidolon is affected by boost eidolon and gains temporary Hit Points equal to your level, but it takes a –2 penalty to AC. Your eidolon can't voluntarily end the frenzy or start another frenzy while in the frenzy. The frenzy lasts for 1 minute, after which it's fatigued for 1 minute and can't start another frenzy for 1 minute.

Anger Aura  (17th Level)

Your eidolon exudes wrath in an aura around it, rousing the ire of nearby creatures and causing their defenses to crack as they seethe with rage. Your eidolon gains a 20-foot anger aura, which has the aura, emotion, enchantment, mental, and occult traits. The resistances of any creature in the aura, including you, your allies, your enemies, and your eidolon, are reduced by an amount equal to 3 + your eidolon's Constitution modifier. Your eidolon can hold in its rage by spending a single action, which has the concentrate trait. This reduces the aura's effect to affect only your eidolon. It can take this action again to reinstate the full effect of its aura. Creatures in a barbarian Rage, Seething Frenzy, or similar ability that allows them to channel their anger aren't affected by the anger aura.

Beast Eidolon


Your eidolon is a manifestation of the life force of nature in the form of a powerful magical beast that often has animal features, possibly even several from different species. You might have learned the way to connect with the world's life force via a specific philosophy or practice, such as the beliefs of the god callers of Sarkoris, or formed a bond on your own. Regardless, your link to your eidolon allows you both to grow in power and influence to keep your home safe from those who would despoil it.

Tradition Primal

Home Plane Material Plane

Size Medium

Suggested Attacks claw (slashing), jaws (piercing), fangs (piercing), hoof (bludgeoning), horn (piercing)

Brutal Beast Str 18, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 10; +2 AC (+3 Dex cap)

Fleet Beast Str 14, Dex 18, Con 16, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 10; +1 AC (+4 Dex cap)

Skills Intimidation, Nature

Senses low-light vision

Languages Sylvan

Speed 25 feet

Eidolon Abilities Initial beast's charge; Symbiosis primal roar; Transcendence whirlwind maul

Beast's Charge

Your eidolon can make a ferocious charge or pounce on foes, allowing it to quickly engage. It gains the Beast's Charge activity.

Beast's Charge [AA]


Your eidolon rushes forward, using its momentum to increase the power of its attack. Your eidolon Strides twice and then Strikes. If the eidolon moved at least 20 feet away from its starting position and moved entirely in a straight line, it gains a +1 circumstance bonus to this attack roll.

Primal Roar  (7th Level)

Your eidolon can bellow a terrifying roar, screech, croak, or other overpowering sound to frighten foes. It gains the Primal Roar activity.

Primal Roar [AA]


Your eidolon unleashes a primal roar or other such terrifying noise that fits your eidolon's form. Your eidolon attempts Intimidation checks to Demoralize each enemy that can hear the roar; these Demoralize attempts don't take any penalty for not sharing a language.

Whirlwind Maul  (17th Level)

Your eidolon thrashes violently, damaging many foes in its reach. It gains the Whirlwind Maul activity.

Whirlwind Maul [AA]


Your eidolon lashes out in all directions. It makes a melee unarmed Strike against up to four enemies within reach. It can choose different unarmed attacks for each enemy. Each attack counts toward your multiple attack penalty, but you don't increase your penalty until the eidolon has made all its attacks.



Construct Eidolon


Your eidolon is a mental construct based on an astral thoughtform and given physical presence and life by its connection to you, its shape limited only by your imagination. Your eidolon's appearance and physical form vary based on your shared vision for its construction, from clockworks to stuffed dolls and everything between, and it's not uncommon for that appearance to change greatly as your construct gains evolutions. Because it arises from an astral entity, your construct is no mindless servitor, but a fully thinking being with its own ideas, goals, and even emotions. These entities are extremely diverse; while many construct eidolons come from a powerful symbiotic connection with astral denizens, just as many arise from the forgotten memories of ancient empires and craftworks drifting across the Silver Sea of the Astral Plane.

Tradition Arcane

Home Plane Astral Plane

Size Medium

Suggested Attacks fist (bludgeoning)

Scout Construct Str 14, Dex 18, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 8; +1 AC (+4 Dex cap)

Warrior Construct Str 18, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 8; +2 AC (+3 Dex cap)

Skills Arcana, Crafting

Senses darkvision

Languages one common mortal language

Speed 25 feet

Eidolon Abilities Initial construct heart; Symbiosis reconfigured evolution; Transcendence ultimate reconfiguration

Construct Heart

Your construct eidolon has a link directly to your life force, which renders it a living creature and therefore susceptible to many ailments that bother only the living, though it does possess some resistances to these effects. It doesn't have a construct's normal immunities, but does gain a +2 circumstance bonus to saving throws against death effects, disease, necromancy, and poison effects, as well as effects causing the fatigued or sickened conditions. Additionally, its astral essence bleeds off slowly, and it only needs to succeed at a DC 10 flat check to remove persistent bleed damage (or DC 5 after receiving particularly effective aid).

Reconfigured Evolution  (7th Level)

Your construct eidolon is particularly easy to reconfigure, gaining an additional evolution that suits both of your whims. Choose one additional evolution feat of 6th level or lower. Your eidolon gains that feat. You can Retrain this feat for any other evolution feat of 6th level or lower with only a single day of downtime if you succeed at a Crafting check, with a standard DC of your eidolon's level. If you fail, you can try again on a later day. Many summoners choose Eidolon's Wrath for this ability.

Ultimate Reconfiguration  (17th Level)

Your construct eidolon becomes even more customizable. Choose an evolution feat of 16th level or lower. Your eidolon gains that feat. You can spend downtime to adjust it using Crafting, just like the feat from reconfigured evolution. Many summoners select Ever-Vigilant Senses for this ability.

Demon Eidolon


Your eidolon is a demon, born of mortal sin congealed amid the chaos and evil of the Abyss, using its link to you to spread chaos at your side. Choose an associated sin for your demon. Demon eidolons have appearances as varied as the infinite Abyss. While demons are inherently untrustworthy, your demon eidolon has reached an accord with you and generally keeps it, though that doesn't mean your eidolon isn't actively working to bring your life deeper into its associated sin. Though a true demon, your demon eidolon's link to you as a mortal prevents them from casting the abyssal pact ritual, even if they somehow learn it.

Embodiments of Sin

While all demon eidolons have an associated sin, those sins can be incredibly varied. While many demon summoners conjure up easily recognizable eidolons, such as tempter demons appearing in the form of seductive succubi or wrecker demons taking on the form of destructive abrikandilus, other demons may also answer the call, including ones no one has ever seen before on the Material Plane. A greed-filled summoner might find that their eidolon is in truth one of the fearsome boar demons known as a nalfeshnee, while a summoner whose secret sins are stranger and darker than the average person might ever contemplate could conjure up a demonic presence whose appearance has never been recorded in the history of the mortal world.

Tradition Divine

Alignment must be chaotic evil

Home Plane The Abyss

Size Medium or Small

Suggested Attacks claw (slashing), jaws (piercing), horn (piercing), tail (bludgeoning), tentacle (bludgeoning), wing (bludgeoning)

Tempter Demon Str 12, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 16; +1 AC (+4 Dex cap)

Wrecker Demon Str 18, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 12; +2 AC (+3 Dex cap)

Skills Intimidation, Religion

Senses darkvision

Languages Abyssal

Speed 25 feet

Eidolon Abilities Initial demonic strikes; Symbiosis visions of sin; Transcendence blasphemous decree

Demonic Strikes

Your eidolon's attacks are corrupted by the Abyss and imbued with pure evil and shifting chaos. All your eidolon's unarmed Strikes deal an extra 1 entropic damage. Additionally, choose one of your eidolon's unarmed attacks that deals physical damage; it gains the versatile trait for a different type of physical damage you choose.

Visions of Sin  (7th Level)

Your demon is born of sin and can project the sin it is formed from into the minds of others. It gains the Visions of Sin activity.

Visions of Sin [AA]


Your eidolon summons images of its sin into the mind of a target creature within 30 feet, tormenting and confusing the target. The target must attempt a Will save against your spell DC with the following effects. The effects last until the end of your next turn, but your eidolon can use a single action, which has the concentrate trait, to extend the effects until the end of your next turn (like Sustaining a Spell), to a maximum duration of 1 minute. If the target is evil, it takes a –2 circumstance penalty to its save. Regardless of whether it succeeds, the target becomes temporarily immune for 1 day.

Critical Success The target is unaffected.

Success The target can't use reactions.

Failure The target is slowed 1 and can't use reactions.

Critical Failure As failure, and the target is also confused for 1 round. The confusion can't be extended, but the other effects can.

Blasphemous Decree  (17th Level)

Your demon utters indescribable words writhing with its associated sin. It can cast an evil divine decree once per day as a 9th-level spell. You are unaffected by this decree. At 19th level, this becomes a 10th-level divine decree instead.

Devotion Phantom Eidolon


Your eidolon is a lost soul, unable to escape the mortal world due to a strong sense of duty, an undying devotion, or a need to complete an important task. Most phantom eidolons are humanoid with a spectral or ectoplasmic appearance, though some take far stranger forms. Your link with your eidolon prevents them from succumbing to corruption and undeath, and together, you will grow in strength and fulfill your phantom's devotion.

Tradition Occult

Home Plane Ethereal Plane

Size Medium or Small

Suggested Attacks fist (bludgeoning), tendril (bludgeoning), unarmed attacks shaped like a weapon

Stalwart Guardian Str 18, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10; +2 AC (+3 Dex cap)

Swift Protector Str 14, Dex 18, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10; +1 AC (+4 Dex cap)

Skills Medicine, Occultism

Senses darkvision

Languages one common mortal language the eidolon spoke in life

Speed 25 feet

Eidolon Abilities Initial dutiful retaliation; Symbiosis steadfast devotion; Transcendence devotion aura

Dutiful Retaliation

Your eidolon deeply respects your assistance, and it extends its loyalty to you, attacking those who dare harm you. It gains the Dutiful Retaliation reaction.

Dutiful Retaliation [R]

Tigger An enemy within 15 feet of you hits you with a Strike and deals damage to you
Requirements Your eidolon is within 15 feet of you 

Your eidolon instinctively flashes with ectoplasmic energy, allowing them to strike back against an enemy who dares to harm you. Your eidolon makes a melee unarmed Strike against the triggering enemy, even if that enemy isn't within your eidolon's reach.

Steadfast Devotion  (7th Level)

Your eidolon's dedication makes it extremely challenging for your foes to bend its mind. Your eidolon gains a +2 circumstance bonus to saving throws against mental effects, and if they roll a success against such an effect, they get a critical success instead. If you have the shared resolve class feature and your eidolon rolls a critical failure against a mental effect, they get a failure instead.

Blasphemous Decree  (17th Level)

After fighting at your side for so long, your eidolon has become as devoted to protecting you and your allies as it is to its original cause. It gains a 20-foot devotion aura, which has the abjuration, aura, and occult traits. Whenever one of your eidolon's allies within the aura takes damage, you can reduce the damage by your eidolon's Constitution modifier. You lose a number of Hit Points equal to half the amount by which the eidolon reduced the damage, rounded down. If the damage was lower than the Constitution modifier, base the damage you take on the actual amount of damage prevented.

Dragon Eidolon


Because dragons have a strong connection to magic, their minds can often leave an echo floating in the Astral Plane. Such an entity is extremely powerful but unable to interact with the outside world on its own. Dragon eidolons manifest in the powerful, scaled forms they had in life; most take the form of true dragons (albeit smaller), but some manifest as drakes or other draconic beings. You have forged a connection with such a dragon eidolon and together, you seek to grow as powerful as an ancient wyrm.

Tradition Arcane

Traits (Variable) one more (see Breath Weapon below)

Home Plane Astral Plane

Size Medium

Suggested Attacks Str 12, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 12; +1 AC (+4 Dex cap)

Cunning Dragon Str 18, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10; +2 AC (+3 Dex cap)

Marauding Dragon Str 18, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10; +2 AC (+3 Dex cap)

Skills Arcana, Intimidation

Senses darkvision

Languages Draconic

Speed 25 feet

Eidolon Abilities Initial breath weapon; Symbiosis draconic frenzy; Transcendence wyrm's breath

Breath Weapon

Your eidolon has a powerful breath weapon, which they are able to use regularly to wreak havoc upon your foes. They gain the Breath Weapon activity. Choose a damage type from among acid, cold, electricity, fire, negative, piercing, or poison, and choose whether the area is a 60-foot line or a 30-foot cone. Unless you chose piercing damage, both Breath Weapon and your eidolon gain the trait matching the damage type.

Breath Weapon [AA]


Your eidolon exhales a blast of destructive energy. Your eidolon deals 1d6 damage to all creatures in the area, with a basic Reflex save against your spell DC. The area and damage type of the Breath Weapon are chosen when the eidolon gains this ability. Your eidolon then can't use their Breath Weapon again for the next 1d4 rounds.

At 3rd level and every 2 levels thereafter, the damage increases by 1d6.

Draconic Frenzy  (7th Level)

Your eidolon can make a furious assault, potentially recovering the use of their Breath Weapon. They gain the Draconic Frenzy activity.

Draconic Frenzy [AA]


Your eidolon makes one Strike with their primary unarmed attack and two Strikes with their secondary unarmed attack (in any order). If any of these attacks critically hits an enemy, your eidolon instantly recovers the use of their Breath Weapon.

Wyrm's Breath  (17th Level)

Your eidolon can draw upon the power of wyrms to enhance the eidolon's Breath Weapon. Your eidolon gains the Wyrm's Breath free action.

Wyrm's Breath [FA]


Frequency once per minute 

Your eidolon gathers the power of the mightiest wyrms to make its magical breath even more spectacular. If your eidolon's next action is to use Breath Weapon, both the number of damage dice and area of the Breath Weapon are doubled.


Fey Eidolon


Your eidolon is a fey, a capricious being of the mysterious First World. Many fey appear similar to mortal humanoids with unusual features such as pointed ears, wings, or bodies composed of natural elements, but the full variety of fey is endless, and many others appear completely inhuman. Fey from the First World never truly die, instead forming a new creature. Fey eidolons usually come about when a summoner helps stabilize a difficult reformation. This means your fey eidolon likely lived a different life just before meeting you and might remember fragments of its old memories. Together, you might have to unravel a memory from your eidolon's past life among the fey.

Tradition Primal

Home Plane The Feywild

Size Small or Medium

Suggested Attacks fist (bludgeoning), wing (bludgeoning), attacks shaped like a weapon

Skirmisher Fey Str 14, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 12; +1 AC (+4 Dex cap)

Trickster Fey Str 12, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 16; +1 AC (+4 Dex cap)

Skills Deception, Nature

Senses low-light vision

Languages Sylvan

Speed 25 feet

Eidolon Abilities Initial fey gift spells; Symbiosis fey mischief; Transcendence fey chicanery

Fey Gift Spells

Your eidolon expands your primal magic with enchantment and illusion magic, allowing both of you to wield the power of fey charm and glamour. When you add spells to your repertoire, you can choose from the primal list as well as from enchantment and illusion spells that appear on the arcane spell list. As usual for when you add spells of a different tradition to your spell list, you're still a primal spellcaster, so all of your spells are primal spells.

Your eidolon gains the Magical Understudy summoner feat, despite not meeting the prerequisite level, and it can choose fey gift cantrips in addition to primal cantrips. As usual for a feat you are granted by name, you can't retrain Magical Understudy into another feat.

Fey Mischief  (7th Level)

Your eidolon's fey magic becomes more powerful and mischievous. Your eidolon gains the Magical Adept feat, despite not meeting the prerequisite level, and can choose from fey gift spells in addition to primal spells.

Fey Chicanery (17th Level)

Ever full of tricks, your fey eidolon twists magical protections into your shared life force, granting it a contingency in its back pocket for desperate situations. During your daily preparations, your eidolon can cast a contingency spell. The 4th-level spell it chooses must come from the primal or fey gift list, and must either be common or be another spell you have access to.

Plant Eidolon


Your eidolon is an intelligent plant, formed from the same disembodied fragments of nature's life energy that become leshys. Plant eidolons tend to be curious and adaptable, with temperaments based on the parts of mortal culture they feel affinity toward. Despite coming from the same source, plant eidolons don't always look like leshys. Plant eidolons have forms that vary greatly and can look like almost any kind of plant creature in existence. Some even resemble plant creatures so strange they are impossible to identify.

Tradition Primal

Home Plane Material Plane

Size Medium

Suggested Attacks vine (bludgeoning), branch (bludgeoning), root (bludgeoning)

Creeping Plant Str 12, Dex 18, Con 16, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 10; +1 AC (+4 Dex cap)

Guardian Plant Str 18, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 10; +2 AC (+3 Dex cap)

Skills Nature, Survival

Senses low-light vision

Languages Sylvan

Speed 25 feet

Eidolon Abilities Initial tendril strike; Symbiosis growing vines; Transcendence field of roots

Tendril Strike

Your eidolon can stretch out vines and roots, attacking foes outside its reach. It gains the Tendril Strike action.

Tendril Strike [A]


Stretching to extend its body to its limits, your eidolon attacks a foe that would normally be beyond its reach. Your eidolon makes a melee unarmed Strike, increasing its reach by 5 feet for that Strike. If the unarmed attack has the disarm, shove, or trip trait, the eidolon can use the corresponding action instead of a Strike.

Growing Vines  (7th Level)

Your eidolon's vines and branches lengthen even more. All your eidolon's melee unarmed attacks gain the reach trait.

Field of Roots (17th Level)

Your eidolon learns how to send its roots underground to hinder foes. It gains the Field of Roots activity.

Field of Roots [AA]


Your eidolon extends its roots underground to entangle and possibly damage all foes nearby. All enemies within your eidolon's reach take damage of the same type and amount as your eidolon's most damaging Strike, depending on their Reflex saves. Any ongoing effects of the save last until the enemy either Escapes or leaves your eidolon's reach. After using Field of Roots, your eidolon is immobilized until it takes a single action, which has the manipulate trait, to detach from the ground; this also ends any remaining effects on enemies from Field of Roots.

Critical Success The enemy is unaffected.

Success The enemy takes no damage, but takes a –10 foot circumstance penalty to its Speeds.

Failure The enemy takes half damage, takes a –10-foot circumstance penalty to its Speeds, and, at the end of each of its turns, takes half damage again.

Critical Failure The enemy is immobilized, takes full damage, and, at the end of each of its turns, takes full damage again.


Psychopomp Eidolon


Your eidolon is a psychopomp, a creature whose sworn duty is to usher souls safely to the afterlife and maintain the courts of the dead. Psychopomp eidolons have a variety of appearances, but since they often traffic with mortals, their form typically includes an elaborate mask. You and your psychopomp eidolon share an important fate together, whether it relates directly to your own soul or to a mission that will somehow protect the souls of others.

Tradition Divine

Alignment must be true neutral

Home Plane The Boneyard

Size Medium

Suggested Attacks beak (piercing), claw (slashing), fist (bludgeoning), jaws (piercing), unarmed attacks shaped like a weapon

Scribe of the Dead Str 12, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 10; +1 AC (+4 Dex cap)

Soul Guardian Str 18, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8; +2 AC (+3 Dex cap)

Skills Intimidation, Religion

Senses darkvision

Languages Requian

Speed 25 feet

Eidolon Abilities Initial spirit touch; Symbiosis hidden watcher; Transcendence spirit taker

Spirit Touch

Your eidolon's attacks possess a psychopomp's ability to harm the living and the dead. Your eidolon's unarmed Strikes affect incorporeal creatures as though etched with a ghost touch property rune and deal an extra 1 negative damage to living creatures and an extra 1 positive damage to undead.

Hidden Watcher  (7th Level)

Your eidolon can render both of you unseen. Once per hour, it can cast invisibility targeting you, them, or both of you at once. If the spell targeted both of you, the spell ends for both of you if either of you uses a hostile action.

Spirit Taker  (17th Level)

Your eidolon is particularly capable when it comes to handling bodiless spirits and putting undead to their final rest. Your eidolon can see incorporeal creatures inside of solid objects and can attack them with Strikes without penalty; an incorporeal creature in a solid object that takes damage from your eidolon's Strike is expelled from the object to the nearest available space, moving closer to your eidolon if possible.

Additionally, your eidolon can target or affect a creature projecting its consciousness (such as via project image) or possessing another creature, even if its body is elsewhere, though your eidolon must know about the possession or projection and choose to do so.

Finally, the spirit of an undead destroyed by your eidolon's Strikes is sent directly to the Boneyard for judgment; an undead with an ability to avoid such a fate automatically, such as a ghost's rejuvenation, can attempt a counteract check against your spell DC to return via that ability as normal. In that case, it uses its Will save modifier as its counteract modifier.

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