
12th Level Alchemist Feats

Extend Elixir (Feat 12)


Integrating your own personal energy into the elixirs you create causes them to affect you for longer. When you consume one of your alchemical items that has the elixir and infused traits and a duration of 1 minute or longer, that elixir’s duration is doubled.

Shaped Contaminant (Feat 12)


Through a combination of careful manipulation and precise breath control, you can deploy inhaled toxins precisely. When you activate an inhaled poison, you can cause it to fill a 20-foot line that’s 5 feet tall rather than a 10-foot cube. You gain a +3 status bonus to saving throws against inhaled poisons that you activate.

Uncanny Bombs (Feat 12)


Prerequisites Far Lobber

You lob bombs unerringly, despite obstructions or distance. When you throw an alchemical item with the bomb trait, its range increment increases to 60 feet, you reduce any circumstance bonus to the target’s AC from cover by 1, and you automatically succeed at the flat check when targeting a concealed creature.

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