
14th Level Alchemist Feats

Chemical Contagion [R] (Feat 14)


Trigger A creature within 30 feet critically fails its initial saving throw against a poison you created.

With carefully engineered enzymes, you coax some of your poison to infect another target, using the original victim as a carrier. A creature adjacent to the triggering creature is exposed to the triggering poison.

Greater Merciful Elixir (Feat 14)


Prerequisites Merciful Elixir

Your additives contain panaceas that can remedy a plethora of maladies. When you use Merciful Elixir, your elixir can instead attempt to counteract the blinded, deafened, sickened, or slowed condition.

Persistent Mutagen (Feat 14)


Prerequisites Extend Elixir

You've trained your physical form to remain stable within a given altered state. Once per day, when you consume an alchemical item with the infused and mutagen traits, you can retain its effects until the next time you make your daily preparations instead of its normal duration.

True Debilitating Bomb (Feat 14)


Prerequisites Greater Debilitating Bomb

Ever inventive, you have discovered increasingly devastating ways for your bombs to impede and hamper your foes. When you use Debilitating Bomb, add the following to the list of effects you can choose from: enfeebled 2, stupefied 2, or a –15-foot status penalty to Speeds. If you instead apply one of the effects listed in Debilitating Bomb, the target avoids the effect only if the result of its saving throw is a critical success.

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